ClimateTechSCORE * * * * *
TECH x Neutrality x Efficiency
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ClimateTechSCORE * * * * *
TECH x Neutrality x Efficiency
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- about
ClimateInvestors.ORG is an OpenDoTank(*),
a movement dedicated to accelerate Climate Funding, like a multi-profil investors syndication and bootcamp to meet NetZero Target,
created & hosted by Fabrice F. Seng,
Founder ClimateTechVenture
Cofounder NetZeroCoalition
(*)Spinoff from a partnership with ClimateTechVenture and NetZeroCoalition
This is the Place where VCs, Bankers, Asset Managers, Philanthropists, Public Funds, Commercial & Multilateral Banks join forces for the cutting edge insights and practice by investing in Climate Tech & Nature based solutions to fight climate change risks.
If you are a Foundation, Philanthropist, or aligning Public or Private interest to support concrete climate actions:
Support us, this is time to deliver on the ground a real sustainable development for the World! JOIN
Overview Effect
for Assets & Actions that matter!
ClimateInvestors.ORG, the COALITION GOALS:
"Dealing with the Time Horizons", from VCs to Patient Investors' expectation: is avoiding delaying "Vital Climate Investments"
Align and better equilibrate the financial needs and opportunities: from Mitigation to Adaptation, within inclusive & ethical schemes(*)
Accelerate the transition solutions (Tech & Nature based) for 2030
Accelerate Funding & Climate Solutions deployment, supported by VCs and the added multi-profil investors.
Reduce Activities & Asset portfolio risks for multi-profil investors
Accelerate the Knowledge Translation of Climate Science & Macro Policies for risks assessment
Reduce the Climate Risks for Humanity, to mid-century targets and beyond
Learning by investing to support the societal transition and transformation
(*) Cf IPCC Report WGII_AR6 (27 February 2022)
ClimateTechScore.com . The Efficiency ClimateTech Label . ©2024