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TECH x Neutrality x Efficiency
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ClimateTechSCORE * * * * *
TECH x Neutrality x Efficiency
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ClimateInvestors.ORG I "TEWCFD LAB"
Pushing the Topic Frontiers
At the heart of ClimateInvestors.ORG, The LearningLAB "ClimateDataScience"
Willingnessurgent 2030 to Align Science, Finance & Solution.
Today Coalitions and sectorial initiatives are booming. The Multi-profils Investors are running or just beginning the divest and re-investment process. Historically, at a regional and global scale, each asset class, have been designed by its own providers, owners, managers, markets and regulations without any climate lens.
We do believe that Climate Investors are THE Game Changers/Solvers. Today, working too much in silot, we also do believe that we heavily need deeper interconnections:
- First by understanding the Common Climate Science, as the SBTi (Science Based Targets Initiative)
- Then translating it into the specific adaptations, within their respective PortFolio(s) for a climate compliance.
Financial players, have THE great responsibility today. Because, if we still globally on a voluntary mode, with all major norms in progress, the Ethics Willingness IS the basis to go ahead. It is all about to still or become among the next leaders.
Here, we propose you to get involved in a continuous research & practice approach for the Translation part.
After this, it is your turn to act. Deployed on the ground, the job is within board decision improvements (governance, by customized actions, and transparency control for short and long term climate alignment).
Access to the LearningLab "ClimateDataScience.org", to practice TEWCFD Research (cf TEWCFD Meta-GuideLine)
- www.ClimateDataScience.org
- Acculturation from Climate(Data)Science to practice Conscious Awareness and provide "Behavioral Change": from micro to macro "decision-making processes & climate positive effects on the short-long terms".
- Take Advanced Actions, contribute by the emulation bottom-up of climate investment practices: Co-Designing & Updating Guide-Lines & Recommendations in add to works in progress(*)
(*) Cf IPCC Report WGII_AR6 (27 February 2022)
"A key factor for the impact of the TCFD on mainstreaming of physical climate risks and demonstrating the case for investment in adaptation and resilience will be how investors systematically incorporate physical climate risks, adaptation, and resilience into their investment decisions. The Coalition for Climate Resilient Investment (DFID et al., 2019) was established to look at this from the private sector viewpoint and is working to systematically incorporate resilience into cash flow modelling and asset valuation practices, so that investors may quantify the investment in resilience for an asset and the benefits associated with reduced costs and more reliable revenue streams".
For All Stakeholders
Milestone contribution to each COP 2X.
Yearly Meeting Point.
By our transparency work & sharing
(innovative guide lines + recommandations).
ClimateTechScore.com . The Efficiency ClimateTech Label . ©2024