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TECH x Neutrality x Efficiency
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Climate Finance Pledge Race for COP27
Principle 1Solving the "Climate Equation" is solving the "Investment Equation, by ESG". Everything else could be based on the three fondamental assets (understanding, willingness, inclusive empowerment).Principle 2Translating "Climate Science Facts" into the "Climate Investment Needs", with a continuous reboot to find-out the frontiers of speed, scale and timing to face the pre-programmed risks of climate issues.ClimateInvestors.ORG invites, in that sense, all investor profils (Finance, Industries, Public & Private) to sign the Climate Finance Pledge, and to be ready for 2030, advocating for:
- All Players: self-apply the ratio of "50% of the investment capabilities at least aligned with NetZero Targets, by 2024".
- ClimateTech Players: self-apply the ratio of "50% of the R&D investment capabilities at least aligned with pure Disruptive/DeepTech Transfer, by 2024".
- Global Investors Community: Syndicating multi-profil investors for "at least 1B€ of funding capability 100% aligned with Climate & NetZero Targets, and allocate 50% of this syndication to bridge the financial gaps contribution from developed to developing countries support, by 2024".
- Supporting the Call from Paris: to create the ICA, International Climate Agency, "the enabler one, fully dedicated to climate change response & tasks, callfromparis.org, by 2027"
- Promoting the TEWCFD, Task-Force for Ethics Willingness Climate-related Financial Disclosures: a key and complementary support to TCFD-FSB, Sciences Based Targets Initiatives and all the ongoing ESG norms in progress.
Sign the pledge
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Join the pro-active movement:Beyond Norms, Compliance & Standards: Ethics, Willingness & Actions
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